Yearly Archives: 2015

New Digital Content – GP with Alzheimer’s and Dementia Patients

Alzheimers-disease-150x150Church Publishing, Inc just released the newest digital book by US Godly Play Trainer The Rev. Lois Howard: Using Godly Play with Alzheimer’s and Dementia Patients. Based on Lois’ years of experience with the Godly Play method and practice in facilities with Alzheimer’s and dementia patients.

We are excited to hear about your experiences, too! Please take moment to tell us your story via the button in the right-hand bar!

Premier Children’s Work – Q&A with Jerome Berryman

jerome-berryman-main_article_image“There are few people who have influenced children’s ministry as much as Jerome Berryman. The founder of Godly Play – a reflective storytelling method encouraging children to explore the mystery of God – has brought about a shift in the way that we do and think about children’s work: from an educational model of old to a model of experience and encounter.”

Anglican Diocese of London – The Brains Behind Godly Play

Sam-Donoghue-talks-to-Jerome-Berryman“Excuse the mild name-dropping I’m about to indulge in but I met Jerome Berryman last week. To the uninitiated, he’s the man who developed the method of spiritual formation for children called Godly Play. He’s also one of the leading theologians in the children’s ministry world, and a priest to boot!”