Yearly Archives: 2015

Godly Play in Uruguay

Giving Tuesday 2015

Dear Friends of Godly Play,

Thank you for all the big work you have done!
Empowered by your gifts, Godly Play has reached so many.

Our chaotic world can be hard to understand, but bringing people closer to God through story and wonder makes a difference—a transformative difference.

In 2015 we:

  • Trained over 800 new US storytellers who will inspire roughly 5,000 children and adults.
  • Spread Godly Play in Cuba, Israel, New Zealand, Tanzania, and most recently, Turkey.
  • Brought together 250 Godly Players from five continents for sharing, learning, and wonder in Sewanee, TN, including presentations from our Jewish and Quaker practices and participants from Australia, Canada, Finland, Norway, Tanzania, Uruguay, and the US.
  • Began work on a revised and expanded Second Edition of The Complete Guide to Godly Play.
  • Created 15 new story videos set to publish to YouTube this month.

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From Tanzania to Sewanee, TN: Greetings from Vithalis

Greetings from Tanzania!

It’s hard to believe that a dream can be real! But I’ve come to believe that ‘nothing is impossible with God’. My dream came true when I visited the United States for my first international trip out of my continent of Africa to attend the 2015 North America Godly Play Conference at Sewanee, Tennessee on July 29th to August 2nd 2015. My time at Sewanee for the Godly Play Conference was very inspiring as I learned much and met other Godly Play Trainers and teachers. We had time to learn from each other. It was an unparalleled blessing to meet the founder of Godly Play Jerome Berryman, the man of full of wisdom and knowledge in children’s ministry. Continue reading

Godly Play in Jerusalem by Rosemary Beales

GP in Jerusalem4Imagine being able to teach and tell the Great Story in the place where big parts of it began. That’s the experience I had on the last day of July 2015. The opportunity came the day after I completed an inspiring pilgrimage at St. George’s College centered on the “Palestine of Jesus” course, which included visiting all the major New Testament sites. The next day, I enjoyed an equally wonderful Godly Play introduction at the college. Most of the pilgrims from my church had left, but Lesley Markham (a Godly Play practitioner, St. George’s College board member and, incidentally, wife of the Virginia Theological Seminary dean) stayed with me to serve as doorperson and general helper.

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