General Operations
As part of General Operations, the Godly Play Foundation oversees three key organizational divisions: The College of Training, The Center for the Theology of Childhood and Godly Play Resources. These reflect a kind of Trinitarian wholeness, each dependent upon and supportive of the other. The wonder of Godly Play is that it functions best when training, research and the beautiful materials are interconnected, each calling for a commitment to excellence. There are many players!
The Board is charged with oversight of these organizational divisions. Revenue from training, the sale of resources and royalties from our publisher, Church Publishing Incorporated, represent predictable streams of income. Gifts and donations allow the Foundation to expand our opportunities to serve.
Your gift can help the Foundation:
- Underwrite Training costs where applicable
- Provide scholarships for Storytellers and Trainers
- Strengthen communications through the Godly Play website and the production of Godly Play YouTube presentations
- Support ongoing research and development of materials and academic studies
Donations can be made at any time to the Godly Play Foundation by clicking the “Donate Now” button.
Godly Play International Development Initiatives Fund (IDIF)

Godly Play Australia Launch
International Development Initiatives Fund
The Godly Play International Development Initiatives Fund (IDIF) financially supports initiatives or projects throughout the globe. The project or initiative supported generally has to do with Godly Play training, materials, translations, and events, that take place outside of the confines of what would be perceived as funding associations; that is established Godly Play associations in developed countries. This does not preclude developed countries who have emerging Godly Play activity.
The seeker of the funding is asked to make a clear case for receiving funds including the details and the budget of the project or initiative in question. It is also expected that the project or initiative is investing at some level with additional funding, both from the host or sponsoring constituency making the request for funds, and from those participating in the initiative/project.
It is also expected that if the project or initiative in question requires Godly Play trainers/staff from one constituency travelling to another, such trainers would subsidise the project or initiative by relinquishing or relaxing their usual expectations for remuneration.
The proposal for receiving funds is submitted to the Advocate for International Development and is considered by a granting team made up of the Executive Director of the Foundation, the Advocate for International Development, and 3 elected members of the Godly Play International Council.
Upon receiving funding the recipient provides a full report to the granting team, including an outline of activities and a final income and expense accounting.
A ‘story’ of the project or the initiative is then made available for use in any of the communication instruments within the Godly Play world.
Donations to the fund are made from individuals and Godly Play Associations throughout the world and100% of the funds collected are used to support approved initiative. All donations are greatly appreciated, and if you would like to donate please do so here.
If you would like to apply for funding or enquire further please be in touch with the International Advocate, Andrew Sheldon, at
Please consider making a gift to the Godly Play International Development Fund.
Donate Online

Or send a check to:
Godly Play Foundation
P.O. Box 563
122 W. 8th St.
Ashland, KS 67831