Godly Play Finland Newfoundland
The Godly Play International Council (GPIC) is comprised of representatives of established and emerging national associations who promote Godly Play within their country. These associations range from formal incorporated structures to loose networks of individuals. Currently GPIC meets annually for the purposes of communication, support, and for establishing protocols and standards around issues such as training and the relationship between member associations. GPIC operates as a liaison between the Godly Play Foundation and the member associations as well as between the associations themselves.
The Godly Play International Covenant of Agreement (COA) is the primary work of the GPIC. The COA seeks to address the principles, practices, and protocols that are at the heart of Godly Play, and which are generally shared wherever Godly Play is present. Under each category the COA suggests both minimum requirements and best practices that the GPIC believes will ensure that Godly Play is carried out with integrity wherever it is practised.
The GPIC recognises that context is important and that contextualisation does take place within the practice of Godly Play. The COA tends to focus on those areas which we all hold in common.
The GPIC is supported by Andrew Sheldon, the Godly Play Advocate for International Development, a position funded by the Godly Play Foundation. Andrew can be reached at . The current Chair of the GPIC is Jenny Sjögreen of Godly Play Sweden and she can be reached at .

Godly Play Finland Newfoundland