Become a Member Congregation
Crossing the threshold is an important part of Godly Play. When we cross the threshold into the Godly Play room, we choose to leave one space and enter another. We bring our whole selves to the circle and choose to be present. Through this distinct transition, our circle becomes whole; it becomes a place of solace and comfort, growth and learning.
With Godly Play Membership, we invite you to cross another threshold into another circle. This crossing is into the circle of Godly Play congregations across the US. Together we will form a distinct circle in which we can learn together and grow in our practice and in our faith.
Membership Benefits
• Belong to the wider Godly Play community
• Receive Member Certificate for display
• Discount for Core & Advanced Training: $50 off per registrant for retreat-style three day Core and Advanced trainings; $20 off one and two day trainings
• Discount for U.S. Conferences: $25 off per registrant
• Periodic Members Only discounts at Godly Play Resources
• New members receive $50 off an order of $50 or more from Godly Play Resources.
• Inclusion in Member Directory
• Permission to use the official Godly Play logos and access to high resolution images
Membership Levels
Membership is at the congregational level because we do the work of practicing Godly Play as a team. Our most immediate colleagues are already part of our circle, and enriching and extending these networks and relationships is at the heart of Membership.
Because there are big differences in the economic realities of small congregations and large churches, the cost of Membership is determined by the average Sunday attendance of your entire congregation. Episcopal churches can find their ASA here.
Average Sunday Attendance of entire congregation that is 1 – 150 = $150 per year
Average Sunday Attendance of entire congregation that is 151 – 450 = $300 per year
Average Sunday Attendance of entire congregation that is 450+ = $450 per year
Dioceses, synods and other denominational judicatories are welcome to pay for a Blanket Membership and then invite each of their congregations to register with a code for paid Membership. The cost for a Blanket Membership is $2,400 per year.
Membership is for a one-year term.
We invite you to cross the threshold and become a Member Congregation today!
Membership Scholarships
We do offer Membership scholarships for under-resourced congregations!
Apply now and tell us your story!