Dear Friends of Godly Play,
Thank you for all the big work you have done!
Empowered by your gifts, Godly Play has reached so many.
Our chaotic world can be hard to understand, but bringing people closer to God through story and wonder makes a difference—a transformative difference.
In 2015 we:
- Trained over 800 new US storytellers who will inspire roughly 5,000 children and adults.
- Spread Godly Play in Cuba, Israel, New Zealand, Tanzania, and most recently, Turkey.
- Brought together 250 Godly Players from five continents for sharing, learning, and wonder in Sewanee, TN, including presentations from our Jewish and Quaker practices and participants from Australia, Canada, Finland, Norway, Tanzania, Uruguay, and the US.
- Began work on a revised and expanded Second Edition of The Complete Guide to Godly Play.
- Created 15 new story videos set to publish to YouTube this month.